AITA for expecting my boyfriend to take full responsibility for his dishonesty?

Off and on since mid November, maybe once every two weeks or so (sometimes 3-4 weeks though) I'll think about something he told me that either wasn't so good, or might not be true, and I'll ask him to clarify it. I try to approach it with kindness and ease. He'll either be cool with it, and we end up feeling better after talking, or he gets defensive and annoyed (the more rare response). We had a talk about a week ago, that was sweet and went well, of me expressing my anxiety and him being responsive. Then today he threw that out the window and was very unresponsive to me. I only asked a simple question, too.

We've had plenty of days, and weeks, without issue or awkward dialogue. It has been a rough patch because every time I heal from one thing, another happens -- it's not like I spent 3 months harping on one thing.

I keep asking questions about his past, to know if he's lying about it. He thinks i'm just prodding his past. I keep telling him, no... nothing to do with that... I just want to make sure you're honest about the things you say, it doesn't matter what the topic is. he doesn't seem to understand this, and sees me as invading his privacy when I just want honesty.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent