AITA for exploding on my father's wife

I mean all the people saying you’re not an asshole are wrong...

You’re definitely an asshole friend, that being said it’s warranted. If someone said something like that to me about my girlfriend, especially someone in the same position as your step mom, they’d get hands lol.

It’s weird enough having to deal with everyone looking at my gf and I (same boat as you, bwwm), but if someone who considers themselves family did that I’d up and lose every respect I had for them. I mean once I stopped at Starbucks with her to get coffee and the barista told me off because she was with a different client and I’d have to wait my turn (we order together).

So you’re an asshole but it’s warranted lol. I’d apologize for the comments about being a bitch to keep the peace , but other than that there’s no need to be sorry. She’s trying to pick and choose when to be a motherly figure and that’s really fake and no one should blame you for not wanting to be apart of that

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread