AITA for flushing Animal Crossing down the toilet?

First of all: I 100% agree that the YTA judgement for the guy is total bullshit, as it would be for any person posting that story. But "his" post only had 36 comments when it was removed, as opposed to the 607 comments on her's at the time it was archived. I'm not sure the first few dozen guys to have shown up to the party is the best comparison to biases of the wider community.

I do think it's interesting that her post didn't have a single non-NTA/NAH vote (that I could see) while "his" had at least one of each option, though over half (of the fourteen judgements) were YTA. That's a little more helpful to the argument, I think; that a woman is more likely to be seen in a sympathetic light. But really these posts are not a true comparison.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent