AITA for having high expectations for my bachelorette party?

So many things make you TAH.

3 days for 25 people to at your demand for attention.

1 day to decorate a house only for day 2 to be spent hopping from one activity to another which requires changes of clothing (and for those interested make-up, shoes, accessories)

Day 2 also is a full on 7am to whenever you all finished clubbing.

Day 3 (Sunday) is a 9am wake up call for staff Sargent (sorry, Bride to be) brunch, in matching shirts (or as most would call it Breakfast) and then shopping - so said decorated house is still not appreciated for the effort.

And then what? All your minions / sorry, dearest best friends from school, college, work, the local shops, doctors office and your fav Starbucks can then take down all decorations and head home for you to then start sending demands for the actual wedding day.

Bridezilla of the truest form.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread