AITA for how this r/needafriend conversation played out?

YTA I didn't even finish. You brought it up. And I agree with him to call you out on it. Nothing about what you said indicated a joke or sarcasm. You responded immediately (IN ALL CAPS) <-- See how that looks... and called him out based on a stereotype for guys online. Flip sides. Women are on a daily calling guys out on their inappropriateness and when a guy calls out a girl, you, you get bent out of shape. Pot. Kettle. Black. Not fair and I get why he responded that way. He appears, on the surface, to be a decent human and you immediately called perv. And again, you were not clear in indicating you were joking. I still don't see that. This is why, folks, writing can often lead to a misunderstanding because, unless PROPER punctuation is used, tone of voice can be difficult to convey. And for the record, I'm female. If that matters on your interpretation of my response. I feel bad for guys in this political climate. It's like we all need to go back to passing notes with 'Do you like me' check YES or NO. Just so nothing is misinterpreted as harassment. I don't blame him one bit for being defensive.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread