AITA for not giving my PS4 to my friend?

NTA. It belongs to you, you can do whatever you want with it. Your friend doesn't have a right to your PS4 and he's acting like a huge AH trying to guilt you into giving it to him.

My friend tried to guilt me into giving her my old iPhone last year when I got the 12. I was selling the 11 and using that money toward the purchase of the new phone. I told my friend that if she wanted to buy it I'd be more than happy to sell it to her but that I was not giving it away for free. I needed the money in order to pay for the new one. She kept saying "But you don't need it anymore, just give it to me. You don't need it." She didn't seem to understand if that if I didn't sell it I wouldn't be able to afford the 12. We don't really talk anymore.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread