AITA For Not Giving My Daughter A Second Chance After The Father She Wanted Left Her?


You won't believe the lies and brainwashing that vengeful custodial parents are capable of.

My 5 yo niece, that my brother had to fight tooth and nail just to get every other weekend, told me "in secret, daddy shouldn't know" that if she "tells Mr. Judge she wants only with mommy then she can come see daddy whenever she wants, not just sometimes".

You suffered greatly, and I'm sorry for this, but you got away. Your daughter was subject to lies and emotional abuse for years. Yes, abuse. A child living with mommy who is angry with dad? She coped. Her coping was horrible, but it was from an abused child who doesn't feel like her dad can protect her (you were helpless and absent when the mother decided everything) and did what she could not to lose mommy's "love" as well. She did horrible things to make her witch mother happy.

The niece, who loves her dad very much, sometimes abuses him on the phone when her mom is around, on those weekly mandated calls that she barely answers. He's heard her laugh in the background.

She didn't reach out as soon as the replacement dad left. She probably considered it for a while. Can you imagine the emotions she had? She's only 22, about your age when her mother traumatised you beyond belief. And you replied that you didn't want to give her money?!

Please reconsider. Even tell your daughter that you're not in the right headspace, this was a shock and you need a bit of time to recover.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread