AITA for not letting my in laws see my child until 8-10 weeks?

OP, I'm late to the party here, but I want to say you are 100% in the right to protect your baby like this.

I wasn't able to have my pertussis vaccine as a kid. I got all the others, but I reacted too badly. So the years roll on, and as an adult I caught pertussis.

It is hellish, OP. You feel like parts of your lungs have turned to stone. You cough and cough and cough uncontrollably for hours and hours on end until your abs hurt even when just breathing. You can pass out from the coughing. You also feel incredibly weak and generally awful. My voice was different for years afterwards. For months afterwards, you get sick far more easily.

I had two months off work... And I still went back before my doctor thought I should because my boss was getting pissy.

In comparison, a fully vaccinated family member got pertussis a year or so ago. They basically had a mild cold with an occasional cough for a fortnight. That's all.

Experiencing pertussis without the benefit of vaccination is not something I'd wish on anyone... Least of all a little baby who will be hit harder and can't even speak for themselves to tell you what's wrong.

You are absolutely, emphatically NTA and doing a great job of looking out for your little one. On their behalf, thank you.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent