AITA for not offering to help take care of my friend's baby she insists on bringing while on vacation?

NTA for not wanting to deal with her baby or give her a ride.

YTA for thinking someone who exclusively breastfeeds can just switch to bottles like it’s no big deal (or that having nursed for 7 years means she doesn’t have to worry about her supply..?)

YTA for criticizing her parenting. Since when can you not have alcohol around kids? Do you live on a Mormon compound?

You could have just said you’re definitely taking the train. It doesn’t actually sound like she was asking you to take care of her baby.

I would have never been able to take a trip away from my son when he was 6 months old, due to our breastfeeding relationship. I have to wonder if you have some weird chip on your shoulder about not having breastfed successfully or something. I can’t imagine why else you would have so much bitterness about her feeding her child in the healthiest way possible.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread