AITA for not taking my sons girlfriend hiking?

My sister 26F doctor came to stay with us and she would just come up in time for breakfast, lunch and dinner. After few days I just realized, my wife is cooking all the time and she doesn’t even show an interest in learning cooking and looks down on my wife for being a stay at home mother. Even my 3yr old does household chores. I tried to give her some signals that everyone is supposed to pitch in but she doesn’t realize it. She stayed with my uncle for few months, seems like she did the same there. Aunt is an arthritic patient and now they don’t prefer her to stay there any longer.

Finally I told her that she is supposed to take turns or she is not staying with us. We have a big age gap so I just didn’t realize my mother pampered her a lot and didn’t teach her the value of pitching in (Do to others what others want to do to you). I always thought boys are the lazy entitled ones(few of my college roommates), even girls can be!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread