AITA for refusing to attend my wife's BF's wedding?

Hot take, and probably unpopular opinion, but whatever:

Maybe Scott realized that you suck as a person because you refused to really make the effort and QUIT SMOKING even though it is extremely important to your wife.

On your wedding, dude? Really? A night that was supposed to be important for both of you, celebrating your union where you put each other first. But you didn't put your wife first on your wedding night. You put yourself first by smoking that cig.

Does that mean you have to want to go to Scott's wedding? No. You have every right to like or not like whoever you please. But don't get it twisted. You don't like this guy because he "snitched" on you but you should not have been doing a snitchable actvity in the first place. I agree with your wife, YTA.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread