AITA for refusing to borrow my wedding (made by my mum) dress to my sister?


Sorry, maybe it's because I'm not 'american', but this just seems unnecessarily mean of you, and cruel.

Yes, it is a special dress, and you have a chance to give your sister an amazing memory and let her have just the sliver of a feeling of what it would be like to have a dress made by her mother for her.

Your being extremely unkind. Jealously guarding this dress and not letting your sister share I part of your mother. It will sit in your closet for how long? Gathering dust and only living in memories?

You had a chance to do something beautiful for your sister, and I'm sure your mother would have wishes for you to be kind and share the dress.

I dunno. I'm from the Balkans and we see things differently in that part of the world. I would gladly lend my wedding dress to any of my cousins of they needed or wanted to wear it.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread