AITA for “sulking” about the fact that my wife won’t let me watch my son’s birth?

NTA on wanting to be there! She’s NTA for not wanting you there- giving birth is a lot and not pretty and can make a woman feel self conscious and nervous. I totally understand her preference to have her mom there instead as a woman who has been through it. I’m sorry that you can’t be there though.

Buuuut soft AH if you are doing puppy dog face to make her feel bad. Knock it off. You get to be sad about it, absolutely- just don’t do it in a manipulative way to make her feel bad to cave in to your wants when really- it’s about her and the baby getting delivered safely and healthily. That’s all that matters.

Now everyone’s already said it but bruv- that kind of talk from a partner is not good. Tell her that she crossed a line and it concerns you that in the future she might snap at you again but in front of your kids and belittle you as a human being- not even just as a man.

She’s hormonal- she’s nervous- she’s probably wanting to be super careful which may come out in controlling ways- within reason that is fine! But that type of talk to the father of her dang kids?? Had she ever say slightly condescending things before this? Idk if I think this is a first- regardless you need to nip it in the bud and be open about how awful it is to talk to a person like that.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread