AITA for telling MIL that we will never help her in old age if she chooses my fiance's ex's wedding over ours?

Who has for years insulted, bullied and belittled

Here are the actual facts here. OP states that she wanted her MIL to cut contact with the ex,which apparently blew up in her face.

A little down we get the reality that the ex is actually an employee. MIL cutting contact with her would mean the ex literally gets fired from her job.

The OP is exactly aware of this situation and literally wants to get her fired. Here is her comment

The simple fact remains that this is EXTREMELY controlling. There is zero defense of that and she literally is being manipulative

Here are examples of the OP dreaming up of weird fucked up scenarios where the MIL gets punished and has to depend on her.

The point of my comment is that OP is extremely unreliable narrator and has literally acted in a manipulative manor. The MIL is correct to call her out and it also logical to assume that the OP making up shit when she says that the MIL has wronged her.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent