AITA for telling a mom on my flight I did not think she handled her kids tantrums well?

Okay, guy. I’m coming in after all of your “edits”. From your “edits”, you weren’t even wanting to know if you WTA. Even before you posted this thread, you had already determined that you weren’t, and it’s clear from how butt hurt you got after all of the YTA comments. Sounds like you have a temper to begin with and needed/hoped some random people on the internet would stroke your ego and validate your ass-hat-ery.

Now, let me get into it.

Yes, YTA. Sounds like you don’t have kids and have a control complex. You imposed the reasonings/grievances for your trip to Europe on a mother who tried to make the best of the situation for her child. Did you even bother to ask why she and her child were going there? I’m sure she knew before she booked the flight how difficult it was going to be to take a kid on that long of a flight and the associated risks due to the pandemic. She had to have had a good reason to because not only did YOU not sleep, SHE didn’t either, pal.

“Confronting” her the way you did only showed how entitled you are. You’re a dick, dude. Take a Xanax next time you fly so everyone else can enjoy their flight without dealing with your garbage.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread