Was anyone forced to use Covenant Eyes/did it impact your relationship with your parents?

My parents literally just did not allow me internet access unless heavily supervised whild looking over my shoulder. No social media allowed at all. Only one computer in the whole house. One TV in the house. This was not the norm where we lived and we definitely had the money to buy another computer or tv if they wanted it. I wasn't allowed at other peoples houses during a weekday or out of the house in the during summer if they were working. We had cell phones but didnt have internet access. And I wouldn't be shocked if they were monitoring them. We were pretty isolated from our peers

We didnt have a game console until way past most people had them, games and game time was controlled and a constant source of fighting. I wasn't allowed to get my drivers license until I went to college, despite having multiple spare cars for me . They even had tv access in the house password protected so no TV could be watched until my dad allowed. He also controlled what we watched. Thus as a pre teen I was watching the nightly political news seriously. My mom didn't know the tv passwords either because she couldn't be bothered to learn how to use the TV and didnt care to learn. He also just blocked TV channels he didnt like but were still family appropriate, like QVC etc. All shows over pg-13 were automatically blocked.

They also had all the controls on the internet they could find. My mom also took to trying to control what I read, no "inappropriate" books. They also tried to control where I walked outside despite the fact I was walking more than 2 miles each way to and from school each day by myself, before the sun was even risen. I wasn't supposed to walk outside a tight ring area of control for them. We also were not allowed to have jobs or go to parties with peers. Junk food was also controlled, ie there was none except a few diet items of junk food we weren't supposed to eat at all. Same with soda and caffeine. There was none and what when there was it was controlled. Music was also controlled, ie we didnt have it, we had npr, until they gave that up. But then music had to be quiet so they couldn't hear it, it was noise and frowned upon. And we never had friends over. We also had forced Sunday school and church every Sunday until probably 11th grade. I was also forcibly confirmed.

Shocking I know, but I spent alot of time at school doing after school activities. Tried out for practically any sport that would have me. And any after school club. So did my siblings. My parents were shocked no one wanted to spend much time in the house the older we got. Also shocked no one came back during college at all. We preferred to stay at college full time in the summers and work.

It definitely effected our relationships negatively. I felt very isolated, lonely and angry as a teen. And very out of the loop of even normal teenagers. I wasn't participating in anything popculture other kids were. It othered me with my peer group. My siblings were even angrier. The house was just a ball of pent up frustration and control. We were really good kids in comparison to other kids of our age. I was on the honor roll every semester. We deserved alot more freedom. I also feel it really set up for a difficult time interacting with people in college.

Honestly it's a miracle my siblings or I didnt go off the rails in a major way when we went to college. I will admit I was pretty wild in college, but had my own personal limits. For a while there I was really worried one of siblings was becoming an alcoholic, but unrelated medical issues happened and I think it snapped them out of it. We really could have gone crazy.

/r/excatholic Thread