AITA for telling my daughter that if she doesn’t want to put in the work, she shouldn’t be a part of her school’s prestigious drill team?

I’m gonna go with NAH. However I think you could have done your approach differently. Your daughter and her dance team remind me of me a bit. I did dance for a number of was a hobby, I was never gonna be a professional or go off to dance school. I just loved it. But my teachers started to take the fun out of it for me to the point where I got hurt and they demanded more of me than I could give them.

This is something your daughter needs to consider. If she she enjoys dancing as a hobby, is this the right place for her? She’s seeing what it’s going to be like and It will be hard work and she will have to put the work in, but what will the cost be for her? Does she think she can handle how intense it will be and at the end of the day, do these coaches have these kids best interest at heart. It’s a high school dance team. Its something that should be fun.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread