AITA For Telling My Wife That Her Parents Manipulating Her Worked Out For The Best?

YTA. Your wife settled for marriage with you. That’s okay, we all settle for things in our life, but you need to understand that that’s what she did. She settled. It wasn’t her first choice. That’s why she’s upset at her parents. They took away her choices. They fundamentally disrespected her as a person.

By stealing her mail (that’s what they did) and fraudulently creating fake mail for her, they basically stole her options from her. That’s such a huge violation of her trust that she may never forgive them. Honestly, I wouldn’t if I were her.

Your job is support your wife, not your in-laws. By telling her she needs to get over it (however politely you phrase it), you’re basically doing the same thing her parents did…minimizing her wants and feelings and believing you know best for her. That’s totally offensive. You need to wake up and realize your wife’s feelings and desires are just as valid as yours…or you may quickly find yourself trying to coparent with your ex-wife when she realizes she deserves someone who respects her as a person.

Support her in going no contact with her parents. That’s her decision. You don’t get to decide it’s the wrong decision.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent