AITA For telling my wife we can't fully participate in her family Xmas traditions

I interpret it differently to you.

If he had offered multiple options I think he would have phrased it more like “I suggested we cut back on things like her Starbucks, my golfing and our weekly trips to the movies”.

I think his sentence makes sense even if he only suggested Starbucks. If he said “honey, I think we should cut back on things like Starbucks” that would only have been one suggestion. But linguistically he would still have reported it to us as “I suggested we cut back on things like Starbucks”. There are many interpretations, yours may be correct. Mine may be. But I don’t think either of us can be certain.

He doesn’t say he’s cut back on golfing, only that he’s been “three times this year”. He didn’t specify whether he’d spent money on clubs or membership fees or drinks/food when he was golfing, nor did he specify whether he in fact spent more money this year on golf than she did on coffee.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent