AITA for throwing away my kid’s art pieces because she wouldn’t clean?

Wow, good job on traumatizing your daughter for life. She won't feel safe with you. From no one she knows if she messes up you will destroy things she loves, you won't listen to her and you will call her suffering whining.

She is 9, if she doesn't do what you want her to do, is because you haven't been teaching her well. Any time a parent says "I snapped" at a 9 year old, you know next thing they will tell you is how much an ah they were to that 9 year old. You could have punished her by taking her things from her for a week, for example. Nope, instead destroy her work, take away something she loves. Yes that will teach! To be a well adjusted adult, right? No!!!

Another thing you could have done is clean with her several times so she learns what you expect from her. Make it a fun thing. Nope you want to say "jump" and you want her to say "how high?"

What she did was wrong, the way you published her was totally out of line. If you don't know what to do about a situation like this, have you thought about reading on the subject? There are tons of books about parenting. There are forums, there are so many resources. Saying "I didn't know what else to do" doesn't cut it, stop whining that your child misbehaves, they will do that time to time. See how you didn't like I said you are whining?

I still remember the day my father destroyed a toy we had because he thought we were playing with it the "wrong way". I remember his rage, his coldness. He just wanted to make sure we didn't get hurt, and to achieve that he hurt us for life. But at leat he was trying to protect us, you were just protecting your convenience when you did this to her. (BTW were actually not doing what he thought we were doing)

Did you think to ask her, why does she forget? Maybe she doesn't realize the time and you arrive before she has thought to clean? Those are teachable moments, not chance to traumatize your children moments.

YTA. If you don't know, educate yourself.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread