AITA for using my friend's family issues against her?

This may be an unpopular vote, but I would say a mild ESH. Your friend should not be berating you about your life choices, and while you were at your wit's end, snapping at them was not the best way about it. If you are interested in attempting to salvage your friendship, you may have to be the one to apologize first. There also probably needs to be a one on one discussion about why her attacks on your lifestyle are unwelcome, as well. She may feel resentful or jealous. I only say this because of experience. Without writing a novel, basically I lived at home helping with the household and paying off my car and student loans (and my mom's) so that a) when I did move out I would have no debt, and b) to show appreciation to her by helping pay off whatever little she had left because she went without sometimes in order to provide for me. I also have a friend-turned-aquaintance who use to belittle me about this because she believed if you weren't living on your own at the age of 18 and struggling until you made it, then you weren't an actual adult. And no matter how I explained my situation or told her to cut it out, she was still passive aggressive (and sometimes openly aggressive) about it. So, we drifted apart. I didn't have a huge interest in salvaging that friendship because she kept taking out her frustrations on me; but, as suggested, if you're interested in mending yours then there would be some heart-to-heart communication involved.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread