AITA for using "peanut repellent" to stop my sister from stealing my pretzels?

YTA because you shouldn't mess with allergens, EVER. Allergic reactions will rapidly change in severity from "mildly annoying" to life-threatening within minutes, and there is no way to predict when that change occurs. It's the body over-reacting to something in a run-away fashion.

You can easily kill people like this, AND it's a major crime in most civilized places, so don't do it ever again.

I recommend, instead, to get your pretzels and lock them inside a container she can't get access to. Go to a department store and get a heavy duty lockable container that can't just be pried open. If you have a footlocker or wardrobe or even a dresser, place a padlock on it. She can try explaining to your mom why she destroyed furniture to get at a bag of pretzels.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread