AITA Mod Application is interested in your kid's pictures.

You are beating like 85% of reddit on the 'being a good parent' thing. I cannot stand people who share pictures of their children for clout on any given website. Blurring the faces? Still weird, but acceptable. Otherwise, you're a piece of shit so far as I am concerned.

I got blocked on FB by someone that posts pictures/videos of their kids doing embarrassing things and all I said was "if I was your kid I wouldn't appreciate this." Like, at least say it's about you, not them, if you are gonna do it. I can at least appreciate the honesty.

I hate, and I mean I absolutely despise, people that use their children as clout farms in any capacity on any website. I am sorry. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

/r/AmITheAngel Thread Parent Link -