All you extroverted, outgoing men (if you exist on reddit) do you feel about introverted women?

I don't believe in those identities. I like my quiet time(a lot), I enjoy small get togethers and just lazily hanging out with a girl or a bro shooting the shit. I have no issue taking command of a bunch of people or being the center of attention at a informal event(I actually love the energy). So I speak as all of the above, just make another categoy and label me at your conveniance it's like I use both low energy and high energy and don't specialize on what is most comfortable or what I would prefer.


They are a waste of time. Although a nerd would prefer them I think that is a match made in hell. You can only build chemistry and relate on expression of ones self. when you don't notice expression your mind simulates and you end up building upon your own projections(that is why models don't talk much when they try to impress). And of course you never have the balls to exchange scripts and see what relationship the other is actually having.

this makes me feel like I'm dull, boring and very uninteresting.

that is the issue isn't it? it's a feedback loop. You can't push yourself to prove otherwise, therefor you get feedback that this is true , that makes you insecure and socially unskilled which makes it harder to push yourself in proving otherwise. See what limiting beliefs are like? Until you prove otherwise you are.

I know everyone is different and sometimes opposites attract

No they don't we just feed on different things in the relationship. How opposite you are has nothing to do with what your partner wants from you. In your case, it may be your compliant nature or your looks. Both a expressive guy and shy guy could like either.

I just can't help but feel like they will eventually get tired of me and move on to someone more vivacious.

or worse, they get comfortable and you become codependent and fight a passive aggressive war for the rest of your lives.

/r/AskMen Thread