All my friends has had a crush on me and I'm sick of it.

Your male friends may not be friends at all. They may just want to sleep with you. They may also be earnest friends who have fallen for you because you're so great (based on your post, you seem kind and considerate!). If a male friend has truly fallen in love with you, versus just wanting to try dating/hooking up, the friendship may need to end if his feelings are serious enough. It is also possible that your male friends are just be lonely or confused about their feelings. When a man in his early 20s lacks romance, his mind may sometimes wander towards the possibility of a relationship with the awesome women he is friends with. You may be completely incompatible with him, but in his loneliest moments the fact that you exist and he enjoys your company and conversation may outshine the myriad obvious incompatibilities you'd face in a romantic relationship.

Friendships are joint, non-romantic ventures that should support the mental health and happiness of all involved parties over the life of the friendship. If the entirety of that description doesn't describe your friendship—at any point, for either you or your friend—it is a good friend's responsibility to take corrective action. Corrective action may entail the friendship permanently ending, taking a hiatus, or setting new boundaries, depending on what's right for your friendship. "What's right for the friendship" truly varies by pair of people and can be solely decided by a single friend.

I hope everything works out for you, it's sad to hear and a challenge many women face at your age. If you're lucky, at least one your friends will one day look back at his crush on you like a middle school crush or a chocolate bar from 2015: A long-expired, not-frequently-thought-about anecdote of his youth. I hope that will be your outcome. If not, rest assured that you'll continue to grow as a friend and that everyone around you will too. People get better at being friends, and at seeking out appropriate friendships, as they age. There will be always laggards, but you can have friends from all walks of life in the modern world. It's an exciting time in human history to have friends, and you will find some great ones.

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