Alleged New Zealand Mosque Mass Shooter’s Manifesto Praises Donald Trump As ‘Symbol Of Renewed White Identity’

It is full of trolling and memes designed to cause division.

Can we please stop calling it trolling?

They aren't trolling, they are just assholes. They believe what they're saying, and only retreat into "trolling" as an excuse when we call them out on their shit.

Do NOT allow them to use "trolling" as an excuse. It is absolute bullshit.

They use it to dodge responsibility and to set those who call them out on the defensive. It is a common rightwing tactic whereby they do not have to defend their own position, because they immediately set the challenger on the defensive by saying they're "just getting triggered by jokes."

It's basically a "it's just a prank bro!" When we all know that it isn't.

This way they don't have to justify their own position to themselves, or anyone else. They do not have to accept their own bigotry, and can maintain (in their own simple little minds) that they aren't the bad guys, and can call anyone who challenges them a "reactionary."

Enough is enough. These fuckers are fascists, regardless if they say, "Just a prank" or "no puppet no puppet, YOU puppet!"

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