Alpha Zyori

Valve WANTS tournaments like Midas Mode and they freely offer their assets exactly for that purpose. Midas Mode does NOT want others to upload content that THEY paid to produce.

And? Did you think that through? Why would Valve want other people to steal their content when they spent millions of dollars making it, just for TO's to profit of it? How is it not the same thing that Midas Mode is doing?

The reason is that Valve knows that tournaments give them exposure in the same way that highlight reels give tournaments exposure.

The rest of the problem is really just exclusivity. People want one provider for everything, that's why Steam is popular. People don't want possibly bad video providers to hog on their videos just like they don't want EGS.

Piracy is a service problem.

It doesn't help that Zyori says nobody else is allowed to use their content, so most people are forced to resort to illegal sources. If a highlight reel really makes the other hundreds of hours of their tournament obsolete, then maybe they should rethink about how they are doing their tournaments or offer highlight reels themselves (which of course you would do in collab with someone like NFUA in order to get the necessary exposure and quality).

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