Am I[16M Junior] pathetic for dating [14F Freshman]?

The rule is half your age plus 7. (16/2 = 8) + 7 = 15. Not 14.

Before the industrial revolution, marriage was super common among kids (who were treated as adults at age 13) and this wouldn't be frowned upon. Also, we have thousands of years of this being the age at which teens become sexual beings even though we as humans don't have the sense to deal with that at such an early age. We evolved this way because tribes who had more kids were more likely to survive when half the tribe died of small pox, famine, or a war waged because another tribe faced famine. Point being: there isn't anything wrong with you; however, we live in this society and even though your case is borderline, you're creeping people out bud.

/r/Advice Thread