Am I (31m) being too harsh on my wife (27f)

As a woman, who is the sole income earner for my household while my boyfriend stays home, I 100% still think you’re wrong.

Sure, I pay all the bills, but he takes care of an entire household. He doesn’t get to leave the house and do his job elsewhere, come home then relax. The home is his job. He’s doing work all day, depending on what’s needed. I don’t keep him around because he’s my servant. He’s my partner. If he expresses to me he needs help or needs a break, we make it work. I don’t say, sorry babe maybe for Christmas I’ll do the dishes for ya.

She’s probably just exhausted. Raising kids and being with them 24/7 isn’t easy. You don’t need to do every single chore every single day, but it will not kill you to help out. A little probably will go a long way. Telling her because you “pay the bills” you don’t have to contribute makes you sound like a gigantic douche.

When you’re paying child support, possible alimony, child care, maid services and Uber eats because she left you, you’re going to wish you picked up a vacuum more often.

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