Am I being insecure or is this for good reason?

out me (we’ve been dirt poor, living paycheck to paycheck together going days without meals before). This is why I think I’m overreacting or looking to deep into things. But at the same time, my gut is telling me this will go south really fast if they keep getting together. She has sent him selfies asking if she looks pretty and I’ve talked to both her and him about it. He says he’s being friendly and wants to be friends with my friends and I say that’s fine and I really don’t have a problem but I do not feel comfortable with the way they are communicating and he’d nod and say “okay I understand” but wouldn’t necessarily stop but just text/snap her less.

To be honest with you, if I were you, I'd leave the guy cause he's being shady. You don't need a guy like him who doesn't respect boundaries and especially is not respecting you.

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