Your point may be obvious to you, but to me it is neither obvious nor likely to be correct. I would be most grateful for any assistance you could provide.

Your insistence that some men do X does nothing to refute the notion that other men do Y. Logic works both ways, I'm afraid.

The problem here is that, I was not using proposition X (many men cross the road) to refute proposition Y (some men do what is depicted in the image), therefore the logic of my refutation does not apply.

Let us take this one step at a time, for those of us less gifted in logic.

I define the propositions X and Y.

X: many men cross the road

Y: some men do what is depicted in the image

To this I add a third, which in keeping with your established pattern I will name "Z".

Z: no one does what is depicted in the image

Secondly, there would be nothing "unfortunate" for you for me to be shown to be committing a fallacy. There's no need to be sarcastic. Why not just come out and say what you mean. "Fortunately for me, if I the structure of your refutation to another point you made, it turns out your own argument is a fallacy. I am very chuffed and pleased and now possess a smug grin". Such speech would at least have the merit of commendable honesty.

Indeed I would be delighted to be shown the error of my ways, the better to discover your superior understanding.

Secondly, you are in any case mistaken. You have correctly grasped the structure of my refutation. Thanks for that. What I cannot see, however, is how your application of it refutes any argument I made. I did not say no one does this because most people do something else. In fact, I made no argument to support my claim. I just baldly stated it.

Indeed, I think it's just highly unlikely anyone ever had our would do this.

As top your other points, they have either already been addressed or are too sarcastic to merit serious attention.

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