I am Missy Suicide, founder of SuicideGirls, Artist Richard prince sold photos from my instagram for $90,000 so I made posters of his “art” and am selling them for $90…AMA!

So it seems my original comment got deleted by reddit automods, so here's my second try:

Hello! Thank you for introducing the world to your idea of beauty. And, more specifically, for indirectly and directly shaping a large part of who I am today, thanks to your first coffee table book.

My oldest sister bought that for me on a whim when I was about ~14/15 (I could've sworn I was much younger, but that can't be true if the book wasn't published until '04), and I was absolutely enthralled and entranced by the myriad of wild and different and gorgeous women on those glossy pages. I cherished that book, falling in love with an idea that it was more than okay to look and be different, to be attracted to different, and to be something of a rebel or a loner or an outcast. It guided my preferences to be less cookie cutter and to be far more open than they might have been without the influence of Suicide Girls at such an impressionable young age. I was shown a book celebrating those that others judged, and sometimes (oftentimes) judged harshly for being outside societal norms. Now it's much more accepted and celebrated, but it didn't seem so back then, even though it was only ten years ago, but I saw in those pages some kindred spirits all telling me: be you. Accept yourself, accept others no matter their differences, and damn those who would damn is for being different.

Suicide Girls was the first step in a long road of maturation and self discovery for me and I now own the massive "Beauty Redefined" book, and once again I must say that I am grateful for your influence on not just my life, but on millions around the world. You have done a wonderful thing with Suicide Girls, for which I still always be grateful, and I hope to see the ideals of attractiveness and beauty further broken down until all that's left is Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect for all manner of people.

Thank you :)

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