I am the Morninghead guy. In the last year after Shark Tank, I helped my buddy start a company that's now processing over $350 million/yr. Tell us your idea and we'll tell you how to grow it with zero cash (like my last AMA, we'll answer every single question today). AUA!

This idea isn't original but when I came up with it and started looking in to it I was surprised to find only 1 in all of Canada. I'd like to start a non-profit musical instrument lending library (MILL). Learning an instrument can be very beneficial for development and mental health, and can also be an incredibly fun and productive outlet. I've heard stories before of kids who are interested in picking up an instrument but a parent is unsure of investing the money necessary because they either can't afford it or think the child is likely to change their mind and not stick with it. Some people are also not sure what instrument they'd like to learn and so the worry of possibly changing their mind may dissuade them from picking up any instrument at all or discourage them from trying another. I don't think money should be a barrier to learning an instrument and I think the opportunity to sample many different instruments will help people (young and old) find the one that is right for them and stick with it. Public libraries were very beneficial to society and I think a musical instrument library could be as well. The first step I took after looking in to what was already out there was to create a survey to gauge the interest of my community and get some feedback. The results were very positive and helped encourage me to move forward with the idea. My next step is to incorporate a non-profit but after that I'm a little lost. I've started to look in to grants but I know I'm going to need to do events and fundraising as well which is where things begin to appear overwhelming. I don't have much capital to work with so I'm not really sure where to go from here and what I can actually do. Any advice?

/r/IAmA Thread