am i wrong for ironing my fiance's pants?

Your post will probably get removed again because you are asking for advice on your specific situation rather than general questions. Subs like /r/askwomenadvice or /r/relationship_advice.

In any case, I find it amazing that someone can make it to 32 without knowing how to iron and would get so flustered by something so simple. I mean, I might understand not knowing how to iron shirts properly but not understanding how ironing works at all? I think it's nice that you did it for her but you really should teach her this weekend (by this I mean she should have asked you if you would mind showing her).

Not to sound callous but while her circumstances are really sad, is she going to be stunted to a 8 years old skills her whole life?

Do women want/respect a man who can "keep a house"?

I do but it might surprise you to hear that women are individuals and therefore don't all want the same. Still, as a rule of thumb, having a skill is better than not having it or at least neutral. I am not even going to comment on the "respect" part, I am trying to be patient and understanding but there's limits.

Can a woman feel "provided for/protected" by a man that makes less money than she does?

No clue, you'd have to ask a woman who needs to be provided for because it might surprise you but not all women want that. It's that thing about being individuals again. But yeah, there has been time where my partner made less or none, I couldn't care less, I care about how much money we have, not which proportion came from his job.

does a woman find a man that washes the dishes sexy?

It might surprise you but we can't tell you what "a woman" does or doesn't find sexy because we don't know who that woman is. As for myself, I don't find a man who washes the dishes sexy in the same way that I don't find a man who wipes his butt sexy: the scrim itself is not a turn-on but expecting me to do it for you is gross and a deal-breaker.

Does she want to fuck the guy that irons her pants?

Hopefully, by now, you won't be surprised to hear that we can't tell you what "she" wants because we are all individuals. Ironing pants is not something that makes me want to fuck or not fuck someone.

I know I am harsh and I know you have been to a boy only schools (and just have the best speech I have ever read against them) but dude, at one point in your life you will have to realize that women are human. They are not a weird alien species with one mind. They have two arms, two legs, two eyes and a brain just like you.

Like your question on whether dish-washing is sexy: do you get all hot and bothered by the thought of a woman washing dishes? Do you masturbate to dish-washing porn? Will you get a boner if I tell you I have a sink full of dirty dishes and plan on taking care of it today? Well, chances are, most women don't either.

/r/AskWomen Thread