Amanita muscaria vs Psilocybin

I hope you get over it.

What about folks who've died by Amanita muscaria? Do you have any hopes for them, that perhaps they 'get over it'?

Nothing against acting benevolent or putting some sorta show of how undeniably honorable your intentions are, 'that no one can deny.' And therefore, how heinous that I bring up the sick tragic facts of this whole warped preoccupation with a poison mushroom - actively trying to bait and lure new victims to it, by fraudulently extolling its virtures.

I don't need any hopes - or claims of such you stake, little pieces of 'hopey' talk. But I'm not dead, unlike these tragic cases.

I don't hope they'll recover from the wonders of fly agaric, as they've experienced. Too bad they can't give their 'trip reports' - dead men tell no tales, can't testify. Even to fact, honestly and truthfully. Much less concoct a bunch of radiant bs, talking up the 'wonders' of their Snake Oil Medicine Show as a con ...

Unlike yourself - ready willing and able to not only blabber up a storm about this poison mushroom - but even deceitfully try cajole others into taking the plunge. Oh -what's the matter, isn't the truth 'positive' enough to satisfy your demands upon it? And, aren't I helping out to your approval and satisfaction ? That's a pity. Btw - how's your avoidance of 'negative energy' working out for you - and colleagues in the Snake Oil Medicine Showies these days?

OMG, per your brand spanking new alias. What 'distancing' rhetoric you use Grandma - "the person who wrote up his trip report" (i.e. your own dodgy evasive self, as I take it so far, absent any least indications otherwise) ... "The better to try, without being so obvious, and make like - oh, I'm not him, that's some other person I don't even know" ...

I marvel at your theater, how gamely you protest - an egregious 'attack' upon the Fly Agaric Medicine Show fraud's 'honors' - 'attack 'meaning' speaking truth to deceit. Nice little twist of words, and what a clever ploy - points just for originality!

But I get you loud and clear - how dare anyone speak truth like that, factually, documented - 'attack' - right?

Its just not okay with you and others such - to pose real facts about fly agaric. And to bring up this new wave of fatal cases documented and cited - in context of the issue that reflects in activities like yours.

These deaths would not have occurred but for the reckless and grimly determined encouragement - by persons like yourself Corndog - I mean, "AmaNitaLia" - making yourselves contemptible by your own choice to 'stop at nothing' in your ulterior motive.

Your Fly Agaric world mission is completely unacceptable, and expresses a seething contempt for any least shred of human interest or worth, life and limb - provided its someone else whose fate is sealed.

All as a result of listening to the likes of reprehensible you - posturing and posing yourself as some fly agaric saint unto humanity. That is the act, all hopes for others ...

Meaning - not giving a rat's ass, and by clear intent not to ... more than just a feeling, a psychopathic motive way down there in the human condition.

Meanwhile you talk about being 'here to push any agenda' - to me? There is no credibility rating less than zero, that I can award. You've already achieved a 'perfect' score.

This fly agaric preoccupation with trying to entice new victims is making progress - for years there were no fatalities on record by this mushroom. But a brave new wave is rising, and we have the likes of you to 'credit' for it.

No doubt you'll help contribute to further casualties, to the extent your crusade pushes on. And for you the laughs will include - no body will be able to prove a thing, as to your culpable involvement. You'll get away scott free. Further sicknesses, injuries and maybe even more deaths - the fallout - will be upon others.

As I find more and more - partly by the obfuscations and theatrics of the fly agaric subfringe - the absolute incorrigibility it acts out, gives indications confirmed again ... and again ... and again ... of a particularly psychopathic 'wing' of the 'community.'

Pathological liars can't be helped. There's no effective therapy or treatment for incurable distempers of character, like psychopathy. There's no 'pound of cure' ... but can victimization of others be mitigated by 'ounce of protection'?

Under the spell casting 'try it, you'll like it' of Fly Agaric Medicine Show psychopathy, desperately seeking new prey always - can broadcasting the truth about this poison mushroom help prevent, by alerting any prospective victims - even one casualty? I'll never know for sure. But the possibility is all that need be.

Y'all fly agaric peddling pushers are one sick bunch - not for liking to take fly agaric. For the simple fact that - that won't do for the likes of you. Your 'joy' in life is getting others to take poison and suffer whatever along with - misery loves company, and you're lonely?

making the mistake of listening to folks - not their friends or family but strangers at random of no discernible identityspecially recent cases

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