Amateur Hour: The letter 47 Republican senators sent to Iran is one of the most plainly stupid things a group of senators has ever done.

I'm already working on it. Our Governor just resigned and his replacement has zero credibility because of Comcast ghost written letters. I'd only run as an independent, and I have zero resources for a campaign, and no poor proletariat will ever get elected. But at least there would be some crazyass left wing ideas, in the air with all the crazyass right wing ideas. Oregon as a battery for the west coast using wave, tidal, solar, wind, and geothermal energy, in addition to Bonneville? Robotic workforce? (Don't even start with that shit... Jobs and workforces have been replaced over and over again throughout history, due to technological advancements. Embrace it, don't fear it. Its time to take a step forward.) Free college for all? A high speed maglev, enclosed vacuum tube mass transit system from Portland to Medford on I5 corridor? Then working with Washington and California governors to extend it from Seattle to San Diego? Hell, maybe I'll lose my marbles and even start one from Newport to Boston on HWY 20? Return the "public" utilities boards to the Public? Free high speed WiFi for Oregon? SINGLE PAYER HEALTH INSURANCE!? (What kind of doctor wouldn't push that as Governor, thanks Kitz.)

I want humans to truly Live Free. Freedom through independence systems. The best way my undereducated mind sees that happening is by making every home self sufficient as far as, food, water, and energy. Then figure out how to solve the problems of too many foreclosed empty homes, and too many of our brothers and sisters on the streets.

There are people much smarter than me who have figured out how to make all this stuff happen. We just need a leader who has nothing to lose, doesn't fear being assassinated, and has a deep resounding passion to subvert dominant paradigms and move humanity forward! I don't believe in poor problems, or gay problems, or black problems, or women's problems. I believe in HUMAN problems. So let's stop playing grabass and start solving this shit!

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