Seriously wtf. I was just banned on another account for posting a picture that was posted here 1 year ago. I decided to link to the previous post in the comments because I don't like to pretend I'm not reposting and I figured a year was enough time.

But this shit:

Anyone seeking more info might also check here:

title points age /r/ comnts
My personal favorite WTF pic 115 3yrs WTF 13
It has been a fun year, I'm celebrating this cake day in style. 38 1yr funny 5
I have no idea what's going on in this picture.. 30 1yr WTF 21
To celebrate my Cakeday, I Google image searched "Fancy Party". This is the 2nd result. 31 2yrs WTF 9
Classic WTF 14 2yrs WTF 16
Party on. 593 2yrs funny 74
OH YEA!!!!!! 15 3yrs 12
Not sure WTF is going on in this picture I ran across but I think it might be the best picture Iv seen on google 142 1yr funny 18
This looks like a fun party but wtf is the Dad doing? 53 3yrs funny 12
Family... 55 3yrs funny 7
I have no idea 17 3yrs pics 14
Typical white people party 31 1yr funny 6
I googled searched "wild rock shrimp" from a previous post. This is what came up... 73 4yrs 17
This photo remains the most wtf thing I've ever seen. I just want to know what's happening. 68 3yrs WTF 41
And the award for the best picture of the internet goes to...... B 105 2yrs funny 12

Source: karmadecay (B = bigger)

Just goes along fine as long as OP doesn't say anything.

The funniest part is that I know which mod banned me, because they banned me from 5 other subs that they moderate that I hadn't even posted to. Some people need to get a life.

/r/funny Thread Parent Link -