Anti-male ignorance on parade at the CBC

I have met men's rights protestors in my day. They do not represent me, and today's group represents me even less. They are not active in their communities, and they have expressed zero interest to help out. Mental healthcare, education, veterans affairs, LGBTQ rights, etc. never come up at their protests, and I have seen nothing online to indicate that they want to become involved in any event that does not antagonize feminists. They could easily get involved off campus if they dropped the vitriol and expressed an honest desire to help. This would only help their image on campus, but they are too disconnected from the outside world to see it. Do not blame feminists for their lack of community initiative. People always find a way to help.

Do you know who runs the "Movember" men's health table when I go to the grocery store? Young college women.

Those who raise money and awareness for mental healthcare? Older women's groups with flowery hats.

Veterans affairs? Veterans, women's groups, older gentlemen, fathers, mothers, siblings, young cadets, and other wonderful people who care more about their communities than they do about blaming their problems on feminists.

After school programs and tutoring for troubled youth? Individual young men and women from diverse backgrounds who want everybody to have an equal chance.

Mens family issues? There is a support centre in my town which holds meetings for men to discuss their emotional well-being. Do you know who helps raise money for it? Feminist groups.

LGBTQ rights initiative are predominantly run by women's groups, community centres, and progressive churches, oddly enough.

Mens groups focus on the aspects of feminism that repel them, and ignore everything else. Even worse, you are blaming feminists for your own disinterest in the community. Shame on you.

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