Anti-refugee party makes big gains in German state elections | World news

But we called them Nazis, and they still made huge gains? And most of their votes came from people who have never voted before! It's almost as though people are so desperate for anyone to speak against the 'there are no problems with the refugees' narrative that they will vote for anyone who speaks out against it, even if they don't agree with that party on anything else... but that would mean that one issue is so important to some voters that they will turn out to vote for anyone who gives them a voice on this issue? Maybe we should look into some way of banning these parties entirely.

But Trump said he wants a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States", everyone said that day would be the end of his campaign, but instead he went up in the polls? And now he's the front-runner and winning the nomination? How can this be happening! We've been telling people Islam is a religion of peace for fifteen years, and loudly denouncing anyone who said anything negative about Islam as racists and hatemongers. As well as constantly saying that anyone who held anti-Islam views is part of a tiny fringe minority... but exit polls of voters in the republican primary keep showing a majority agree with Trumps Muslim ban? This doesn't add up! Maybe we should figure out a way to prevent him from running, that way people can't vote for him.

But we censor and warn anyone who says anything bad about Islam in r/worldnews, even going as far as to delete posts that just contain links to news articles or links to statistics or opinion polls. We delete all their posts so people just see a blank post and assume it was racism or hate speech that was removed, and we leave up all the posts calling them Nazi's and KKK so if someone shows up to the thread after all the deletions that's all they see. And yet... anti-Islam posts and posts that say the refugees are potentially dangerous and the culture they are bringing with them will in time will destroy the secular liberal democratic heart of Europe still get upvotes? Before we delete them I mean. And the people shrieking hate at them still get downvoted? Maybe we need to get rid of this upvote/downvote system entirely... it's so much easier when you can just tell people what to think.

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