Do you have any beliefs that are "too redpill" even for mainstream TRP?

And even then Japan was the outlier. China, Korea, and the rest of Asia were still as poor and barely functional militarily as ever.

But South Korea caught up, and China, after a few political catastrophes, is also catching up. Southeast Asian isn't bracketed with the rest of East Asian under race realism. Why aren't there any African countries that have caught up?

After world war ii. Japan was economically devastated. Recovery would have been impossible. without the Marshall plan and trade favoritism Japan would be a shithole today. That is obvious.

The US gave Japan $2.44 billion in credits and grants through 1953, which is around $21 billion today. Africa has received hundreds of billions in aid and credit through the years. What does it have to show for it?

As to your criticism of communist countries, the soviet union had at one point a much faster growing economy than the US along with a larger agricultural output and a comparable living standard.

So what caused the Soviet Union to fail? Capitalist sabotage? The CIA? Trotskyites?

Entrepots are not based on race but on location. Duh.

Right, but Africa has a lot of coastline. Why didn't any of its coastal cities become an entrepot? Entrepots don't just fall from the sky.

Colonialism in africa and hong kong are not comparable.

OK let's find something more comparable. Japan colonized South Korea, treated the country just as badly if not worse than the way the Europeans treated the Africans. The Japanese immigrated to Korea and took the land, became the local ruling elites, etc. Korean farmers lost ownership of their land and became serfs overnight. They had no need for an indigenous elite, they imported administrators and business managers from the homeland wholesale. South Korea was poorer than the Congo and Zaire in 1960.

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