Any solutions?

How long have you been together? What was your first date like? I'll share mine, too.

My SO and I met on OKC as well. After my divorce I had no idea what the dating scene had become during the ten years I was married. I tried conventional dating and met a wonderful woman, but it turned out she was cheating on her fiance with me so I dumped her as soon as I found out, got his number from a friend of a friend and called him to let him know and apologize. I stayed single without really dating for a while after that.

One night I decided out of nowhere to sign up for an online dating site. I looked for a free one since I'd never been on one and found OKC. I got a few messages by the next morning so I went on some dates. It honestly wasn't going too well. The first few women didn't look like their pictures, which wouldn't have been a deal breaker if they had had the personality to back it up.

The last woman seemed alright but after several dates she got a little crazy. After breaking it off she stalked me. It was pretty creepy stuff too.

While this was going on I got a message from a beautiful woman that seemed very interesting to me. I didn't answer her messages because I was worried about her getting involved with the crazy one driving by my house and all. I messaged her back after a week, but just questions I had about things she'd written in her profile. She responded with great answers and there seemed to be some chemistry, but crazy was lurking outside so I didn't answer again for over two weeks. She sent a couple messages during that time with no reply from me. Later she said that she'd just about written me off.

Well, crazy decided to get back with her ex-husband and let me know in a text message. I jumped at the chance to meet this woman. She shows up and she looks even better than her pictures. Nice dress, heels, very classy. The only thing that really seemed weird was that she had black dirt under her fingernails. The conversation seemed so natural, like we'd known each other for years.

So I asked her about her fingernails. "Oh, that. It's worm poop."

She went on to explain that she had to leave straight from work to meet me and that she spent that day educating boy/girl scouts about earthworms along with a project where they all built their own earthworm farms. She had studied entomology, botany, and environmental science and worked for the county in an education and community outreach capacity. Could there be a better answer for "worm poop?"

Anyways, that date was over four years ago. It's not all roses, we have our bad days, but I hope every day that I don't fuck it up. I met an amazing woman online.

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