Anyone actively decide to stop training, either completely or for an extended period of time, and why?

Four years of (inconsistent) training to blue. Four years off moving, house renos, some crazy work issues, and having a kid. Spent 2 of those years lifting weights in the gym which was ok, but did not have the same level of fun or camaraderie as jiu-jitsu.

I told myself that I would get back to jiu-jitsu when I was back in shape and my life was less crazy. Lost some weight (although not as much as I had wanted) and talked to some people who gave me some different perspectives on life. They helped me realize that this is something that I wanted to still do, and just needed to take the plunge. Also, that there would never be the perfect time, and that my all-or-nothing attitude, in terms of wanting to be in great shape and being able to train 4x+ times per week in order to do jiu-jitsu "properly", etc. was preventing me from doing anything at all.

I found a gym that was within walking distance to my home, a great Coach and great group of guys and girls. I got back into it about 1.5 years ago and have been consistently training since despite having a second kid and all the other challenges that life throws at you. I wasn't under any illusions about the quality of my game before quitting, and the first couple of months back were definitely tough. However, by 6-12 months in, it was like I had never quit and my game has progressed much further than it ever was at before I had quit.

Obviously it is tough to see guys that you used to train with now at purple, brown, and even black, but even tougher to see guys that quit and never came back at all. As my Coach said, the second-hardest decision is to find a gym, show up to train, and face all your fears of coming back. The hardest decision is to come to your next training session after that, when you're sore, any ego and delusions you might had about coming back are smashed, and now know exactly how hard of a road back it is going to be.

/r/bjj Thread