Was anyone else constantly forced to apologize for things that upset your Nparents growing up? But they refuse to apologize to you?

my nmum is exactly the same. after yet another giant outburst i had enough and went completely nc with her while living in the same house (i was 17 at the time, in hs with no money ) and didn’t speak to her, eat the food she brought (i am not allowed to cook without supervision because apparently i ruin all of her kitchenware and can’t be trusted) and would have to convince my dad to drive me 30mins to my grandmas house just so i could do washing (same situation with the laundry as the kitchen). In this 2 month period i lost about 15kgs from barely eating. After I went away on school camp (it was compulsory to go and had been paid for in my school fees) and came back, i waited for 3 hours for my dad to pick me up but he never came and called my friend to take me home. when i got home she came into my room to apologise for the first time but it was barely an apology it was a “these are all my excuses so actually you’re the one that should be apologising to me” apology. I didn’t forgive her and said she had to earn my trust back and for a moment there things got better and i started talking and eating again, but fast forward to now and she’s back in her old ways :(

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread