Anyone else feel kinda numb to fanservice?

Fuck that, not me. The only reason Goku Black from DBS was put in was because of fans. That titled the fuck out of me. Countless fan-fiction on a potential evil goku... Another thing that tilts the shit out of me is an anime with good animation and shit story-lines. Don't even get me started on Divine Gate...

Good animation is nothing more than eye-candy. A show doesn't need to have good animation to be good but it also shouldn't be shit.

I also believe the Fate series in general never really had strong stories but just really good animation and fight sequences. That whole series was just eye-gasm.

Also, why is an ecchi anime considered fan-service anyway? I mean why would a genre be called fan-service?

Should I call comedy fan-service than?

I mean with ecchi, you're watching the anime for something like that so you know what you're getting before you get it.

So again, why is a genre considered fan-service? Wouldn't all genres be fan-service than? What would be the purpose of this word to begin with?

/r/anime Thread