Anyone here an MRA? How did you get involved in the men's rights movement? If you're not, what are your thoughts on it?

Well, I have to be frank, if you don't mind- it's difficult for me to imagine a post more wrought with fallacy and benevolent ignorance than the post you just made.

However, the current Men's Rights movement is clearly and explicitly anti-feminist, and I can't get behind that. I feel like feminists are the people who men should be working with, not working against.

The current wave of feminism is riddled with bigotry and extremism. By default, a person educated and familiar with a realistic and accurate perception would know that opposing what feminism is today is practically a prerequisite for supporting a just and equitable world.

a lot of MRA's seem to be very anti-women.

MRAs do not look at anyone in a negative light for being a certain way. We support an absolute and pure philosophy of equality, which forbids any biases relevant to circumstances beyond ones control- such as being born female.

I also find a whole lot of the movement to be extremely hypocritical and completely unwilling to see the nuances of any issue

If honest, I have to say the very opposite is true. What do you think we are hypocritical about?

I've seen the Men's Rights movement try to make the claim that feminists are minimizing a horrible act by using the word "rape" to describe things that aren't actually rape,

Where? MRAs are strongly against rape, and would say that the sexual assault of any person is very, very wrong.

I think that the wage gap is a real thing and that most MRA's have as poor of an understanding of it

Then on this, I would have to say that you are simply wrong. Young women earn more than young men.

I'm hugely, hugely in favor of mandatory child support

I agree. But I don't think a man homeless man who lost his job should be thrown into prison for failing to pay child support he can't possible pay.

I don't have any real problem with circumcision or alimony

I'm going to guess that you don't know what the penile frenulum or ridged band are. Or meissners corpsucles. Circumcision removes the majority of erogenous tissue from the penis. You're very ignorant about circumcision and male anatomy.

Regarding alimony, do you think a 73 year old man with Alzhemier's should be forced to go without healthcare due to a legal obligation to pay lifetimme alimony?

he Men's Right movement all seems to spend lots of time complaining about things that don't seem to have any actual victims or actual negative impact on people

TBH, it should embarrass you that you said that. You are very, very ignorant about the men's rights movement. I'd recommend talking to a male victim of domestic violence and widen your perspective and learn how to empathize with people who are not yourself.

I think that the feminist movement is doing a way better job of making things better for men

There is simply no logical or moral justification for this statement. It's obtusely false.

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