Anyone who is a taurus feeling a bit off these past days?

If you’re becoming numb right now it’s because Taurus can’t deal with the feelings.

Scorpio moon can deal with any feeling in the world.

As far as dealing with the Scorpio moon-

I don’t deal with it well. I’ve lost a lot of people in life because I can’t deal with it. I’ve gone no contact with some family and even my own parents for a while. I’ve cut off some friends and work has been tough as well.

When you got a Scorpio moon your life is automatically going to be extremely tough. You’re going to be put in shitty situations you never could have foreseen. You’re going to get abused, lied to, stolen from and treated like shit.

I think maturing as a Scorpio moon is important. I think it’s also important to realize that we are paranoid because we have to be. Life makes us this way. If you need to spy on someone, do it. If you need to keep notes or recordings to figure out whether someone is gaslighting you, do it. If you need to hire a private investigator, do it.

I guess my best advice is to not think of friends as friends. Think of them as associates. And don’t let a lover get close enough to cause you job loss / property loss / severe financial loss until you have been in the relationship long enough for the person to prove themselves to you consistently and as long as the person has been put through plenty of shit tests as well.

I guess the last thing is censoring yourself when it comes to your emotions. There are some times when I want to go on a huge rant or put someone in their place but then I realize it’s better to have the person think I’m non judgmental so I can get a feel for who they really are.

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