Apparently I don't contribute to society and make other people's kids suffer because I refuse to bring an unwanted child into this world...

He's a not-very-closeted racist. From the 1st page of his post history:

[Your argument is invalid unless you give a solution to immigration that] Does not reduce the living standards of the countries native populations where the illegal economic migrants have broken into.

[immigrants are] The group of people so selfish they insist on travelling through several safe countries then while residing in one repeatedly try to break into another in full knowledge that they are costing everyone a huge amount.

In this guy's mind, brown people earning money are selfish, childfree 1st worlders are selfish, every white person who isn't breeding ten million future soldiers to defend the fatherland from THE ILLEGALS is selfish. Increasing the surplus population in anticipation of a race war is sooooo selfless and honorable! Just what muh economy needs, way more workers! /s

I would disagree with your statement that non_whites suffer the brunt of racism. The home office actively hires non whites as does the BBC. That affects every single white person.


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