The Arabic Translation of The God Delusion Has Reportedly Been Downloaded 10 Million Times - Friendly Atheist

yes, the best way to change someones mind is not to argue. Just ask them questions that lead them to realise the gaps in their understanding. Or to subtly plant information for them to see which will raise questions in their head and make them look for more answers.

If you try to tell people anything, or engage them in an argument it will make them entrench their opinions, they'll build mental defences, few people have an open mind. People just listen to make a response, they're not really thinking about what you say. But if you ask them to explain things in detail, it can make them think for themselves. Which they might never have done before. You cant do it in a confrontational way. Hopefully they don't even know what you're doing or why you're asking them things. An offhand remark can make people stop and think about things with a fresh mind. Just saying "Why?" at the right moment can be a good start.

People seek reassurance that their existing opinions are correct, it's human nature. They choose news sources etc to pander to their existing beliefs.People are delighted when they find something that confirms their suppositions. "I knew it!"

An important aspect here is that we all do this, and we should be concious of it when we make decisions because this "partisan" behaviour can lead us to a very blinkered view of the world. Being able to change your mind and realise you've been wrong is actually quite difficult and quite rare.

Another thing is that some peoples minds prefer simple, definite, (supernatural) explanations for really complex things. My mum for example. Perhaps because they are simpler or more exciting than the reality. It's easier to believe in a fate, or god, or spirits etc. Less effort than the alternative. I think this also applies to conspiracies to some extent.

another thing is that people often feel that comments on reddit etc are demanding a response or that everything has to be an argument. I'm just saying what I've learned.

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