Are we living in a Financial Slavery system?

I just wanted to ask this question after being involved in the removal of the buy button for Gamestop. & Currently being part of the DRS GME monumental take of action

No, you lost your money by jumping into investing without understanding how things work. And now you are deeply, deeply into a sect where you have lost money because you like a fish swallowed hook, line and sinker. You are so deep into it, most average people don't understand what you are talking about anymore.

And you have most likely lost most of your money because you had no idea what you were doing. Now you are like a crazy guy that hasn't showered for weeks standing in the street shouting "The end is nigh!".

We are not living in a financial slavery system. If you don't want to participate in society it has never been easier to get room and board for your work. Or you can start planting the food you will eat yourself. Good luck.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread