Are nurses assholes every where or only at the hospital I work at?

I am forever greatful to the healthcare system, it changed my life in more ways than one all for the better. In that time, I was around a lot of nurses. Over the years, there were many that truly made a difference, I haven’t forgotten them. But.. The things I heard some nurses say were absolutely shocking. On more than one occasion Ive heard nurses talk shit about their patients within earshot of me. Honestly, I don’t blame them. I talk shit about customers that annoy me at work too, but not at the front of the store for everyone to see.

Lol i won’t go further because no matter who they are, they do an honourable job we might all need at one point or another.

But still.. No I don’t think you’re alone. Nurses can be bitches. Sorry lol

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread